Water Energy Shiny Gyarados 14 June 2021 VegetasLink $130 A Shiny Gyarados has appeared! -insert Pokémon battle music- This has to be one of my favorite creations I’ve made thus far.
Electric Energy Derp Pikachu 07 June 2021 VegetasLink $25.00 Jellybean Pikachu, he’s cuter this way, trust me
Psychic Energy Gengar 07 June 2021 VegetasLink $40.00 Gengar: This guy scares me. I’m serious, take him away please...
Fire Energy Scorbunny, Raboot, Cinderace 07 June 2021 VegetasLink $50.00 each. Scorbunny, Raboot and Cinderace
Grass Energy Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur 07 June 2021 VegetasLink $30.00 each. Dino or turtle? Bulbasaur, Ivysaur and Venusaur. We know what you’re here for, let’s take a look at their butts! Kidding... or am I? BUTT seriously though, look! Adorable 🥺
Trainers Ash Ketchum 07 June 2021 VegetasLink $100.00 Ash’s vest and hat can be removed. Also! Eyes and hair can be changed to make them into a mini you!
Psychic Energy Mew&Mewtwo 07 June 2021 VegetasLink $40.00 each. Perfect for display next to respective Pokémon card, has a wired tail and can be used to adjust Mew or mewtwo to be self standing.